Build Your Own Wedding Ring by Lashbrook Designs:

So many combinations to build your own ring. Start by selecting your metal, size, profile, width, finishes, outside feature, inlays styles, inlay material, and inside sleeve. With all your selections made the tool will produce an image and under the image will be a sku# and retail price.

To get our price: take 15% off the retail price and if we have a current discount code take that off as well.

Just email me the SKU of the ring (cut and paste the sku into the email) and I will get back to you to confirm the style and price with an image and purchase options.


The following video is a basic overview on using the ring builder tool (this video will show changing a ring from gold to black zirconium, changing the width, size and finish and adding gem stones).

Design your own wedding ring using the Lashbrook build your own tool

By clicking on the Build your own ring tool button you will be directed to the Lashbrook designs website to receive the discount you must come back to Unique Titanium Wedding Rings and email us the SKU.